• The function fread() reads nmemb items of data, each size bytes. long, from the stream pointed to by stream, storing them at the. location given by ptr.
  • stdio.h'ta tanimli , dosyadan binary olarak okuma yapan c fonksiyonu. size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, file *stream)
  • Note: If the size or nmemb is zero, fread returns zero and the contents of the array and the state of the input stream remain unchanged. Example code of fread
  • fread reads up to length bytes from the file pointer referenced by stream. ... Note that fread reads from the current position of the file pointer.
  • <?php $handle = fopen("http://www.example.com/", "rb"); $contents = ''; while (!feof($handle)) { $contents .= fread($handle, 8192); } fclose($handle)
  • The fread() function is defined in the stdio.h standard library. The fread() function reads data from a file into the memory. It has the following syntax
  • Dosya ve okunması gereken uzunluk fread() fonksiyonu parametre olarak gönderilir ve başarıda okuma dizesini veya hata durumunda FALSE değerini döndürür.
  • size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream); Reads data from the given stream into the array pointed to by ptr.
  • The fread() function is a built-in PHP function that reads a specified number of bytes from a file. This function is used to read data from files.
  • This is because when reading data from a file, the fread() function assumes that it is in a binary format (the fread() function reads a byte stream in binary format)...