• An authorized court may be called a kangaroo court if its procedures are highhanded, irresponsible, and of doubtful legality
  • When someone uses the idiomatic phrase ‘kangaroo court’ they are talking about a court that does not follow the usual rules and is dishonest in its nature.
  • The Kangaroo court announced two years back that the family should be banished and the people in the village followed the judgement.
  • A kangaroo court has never been a court by or for kangaroos, but beyond that, little is known for sure about the term's origins.
  • It is the right of the accused to be tried by a legally constituted court, not by a kangaroo court" (Williams v. United States, 341 U.S. 97, 71 S. Ct.
  • In a kangaroo court the verdict and sentence is known in advance, with the "court" merely serving as the means of its delivery.
  • A Kangaroo Court is a sham legal proceeding or trial that denies due process and fairness in the name of expediency and authoritarian rule, undertaken …
  • When a judge uses the term “kangaroo court” to refer to another court, it is a strong indication the judge will overrule the previous court’s decision.
  • Another possibility is that the phrase could refer to the pouch of a kangaroo, meaning the court is in someone’s pocket.
  • The origin of 'kangaroo court' is unknown, although, given that kangaroos are native nowhere else, we might expect the term to have originated in Australia.