• But the city of Schwerin still has a Lenin statue, believed to be the last one in Germany. The mayor says it should stay because you can't erase history.
  • A statue of Soviet founder Vladimir Lenin outside an apartment complex in Schwerin, Germany.
  • Armenian authorities have began dismantling Vladimir Lenin's statue in Yerevan and hope to complete the job before the Soviet state founder's April 22nd...
  • The statue of Lenin, in a small park off Azadi köçesi, is a charmingly incongruous assembly of a tiny Lenin on an enormous and very Central Asian plinth…
  • Lenin in Fremont: Right or Wrong? ... It is on private land and privately owned. Bronze statue of Lenin at night with a giant lit pumpkin on his head.
  • A photo posted on social site VKontakte showed a beheaded statue of Lenin in Ponomaryovka. ?? ?€???¶???µ?? ?? ???€?µ???±???€???µ.
  • More than 900 Lenin statues are thought to have fallen across the country since 2014, in what’s now being called Leninopad (‘Lenin-fall’).
  • There is a statue for Lenin in Vijayawada, which can be the ideal place for you to visit. Lenin was called as the Father of the Russian Revolution.
  • The party had already obtained a second-hand bronze Lenin statue, so they wasted no time in securely cementing it into place. ... Statue of Lenin.