• Vajdahunyad Castle on the left with its Museum of Hungarian Agriculture on the right. ... Vajdahunyad Castle (Hungarian: Vajdahunyad vára) – view from the west.
  • Vajdahunyad Castle featuring château or palace, a river or creek and a park. ... Vajdahunyad Castle featuring a garden, a castle and a bridge.
  • The story of Vajdahunyad Castle – just like that of Heroes’ Square – started with the Millennium Exhibition preparations.
  • Vajdahunyad Kalesi. Yerel adıVajdahunyad vára KonumCity Park, Budapeşte, Macaristan. ... Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vajdahunyad_Castle.
  • The main section is a copy of the Vajdahunyad Tower, giving it its name. Interestingly, the original was made of cardboard, and of course disintegrated.
  • The statue of the hooded figure opposite Vajdahunyad Castle is that of Anonymous, the unknown chronicler at the court of King Béla III (r 1172–96) who…
  • Vajdahunyad Castle (Hungarian: Vajdahunyad vára) is a castle in the City Park of Budapest, Hungary.
  • Vajdahunyad Castle (Hungarian: Vajdahunyad vára) is a castle in the City Park of Budapest, Hungary.
  • Vajdahunyad Castle (Hungarian: Vajdahunyad vára) is a castle in the City Park of Budapest, Hungary.