• Cromwellian era and after. ... Oliver Cromwell 1599'da ülkenin doğusunda bulunan Hauntigton şehrinde iyi tanınmış bir çiftlik sahibi ailede doğmuştur.
  • It soon became Cromwell’s aim in life to seek out and change the abusers by showing them love: God’s love in the image of Christ and Oliver Cromwell.
  • At the beginning of 1648, a new, albeit short-lived English Civil War began. By the summer Oliver Cromwell had quelled the revolts of the royalists and the Scots.
  • 1. He was distantly related to Thomas Cromwell, Henry VIII’s chief minister. Oliver Cromwell was born in Huntingdon to a family in the landed gentry.
  • Oliver Cromwell, bir süre sonra, resmi İngiliz kilisesine ve Katolikliğe yönelen Saray’a karşı ortaya çıkan Püritenler mezhebinin şiddetli taraftarlarından oldu.
  • III. The younger Sir Henry Vane’s relationship with Oliver Cromwell was rather different from that of Harrison or Okey.
  • A detailed biography of Oliver Cromwell that includes includes images, quotations and the main facts of his life. GCSE Modern World History - English Civil War.
  • Military and political leader of Oliver Cromwell. During 1643 Cromwell acquired a reputation both as a military organizer and a fighting man.
  • Oliver Cromwell’s head. In 1659 Richard Cromwell gave up power, and Charles II was restored as King of England – this was known as the restoration.