• Many politicians and social groups use "fascism" and "nazism" synonymously, and this has confused me (and maybe others) for a long time.
  • Of course, that’s connected to fascist ideology, because fascist ideology centers on power. But I really see fascism as a technique to gain power.
  • Fascism became an all-purpose term because one can eliminate from a fascist regime one or more features, and it will still be recognizable as fascist.
  • Published by Oxford University Press. This article supplements Episode 1 of Fascism, a Slate Academy series. To learn more and to enroll, visit Slate.com/fascism.
  • Fascism is a political statement that differs from others, such as liberalism, marxism and its variants, anarchism and its variants, and so on.
  • Both communism and fascism originated in Europe and gained popularity in the early to mid 20th century.
  • Fascism is an authoritarian, nationalistic ideology that places a higher value on the state and the nation than it does on the individual.
  • Историк Галкин А.А. в своей работе «Германский фашизм» характеризует это явление, как острый социальный и политический кризис капитализма.
  • Fascism is a political system imposing economic and social measures very strictly for taking away the rights of the citizens, empowering the government.
  • Если принять, что "фашист" – это тот, кто является последователем фашизма, то сам термин "фашизм" все равно нуждается в четком определении.