• The northern region of Ulster was an ancient kingdom, and one of the four historic Provinces of Ireland .
  • When Ireland was partitioned in 1922, the counties of Ulster were allowed to vote on whether to join the Irish Free State or remain in the United Kingdom.
  • The Norman Earldom of Ulster was established in 1205 in Antrim and Down by Hugh de Lacy, and re-established in 1264 by Walter de Burgh.
  • Migration to Ulster fell far short of the intended level, and distant North America attracted many more settlers than Ireland did.
  • Ольстер (англ. Ulster, ирл. Cúige Uladh) — одна из четырёх исторических провинций Ирландии, объединяющая в настоящее время девять графств на...
  • The Irish Free State left the United Kingdom in 1922, but the six northern counties of Ulster with Protesant majorities voted to remain with Britain.
  • Ulster (Northern Ireland) is part of the United Kingdom together with England and Scotland.
  • Ulster, which includes the six counties of Northern Ireland, draws visitors to its unique feature of basalt columns rising from the sea at the Giant’s Causeway.
  • Ulster is the most populous city in the kingdom of Curtil, with surveyors estimating around three quarters of a million inhabitants at last count.
  • Сага повествует о распре между двумя знатными областями — Коннахтом и Ульстером, причем во главе первого стоит королева Медб...