• Eski Cami, Ufa - Old Mosque, Ufa. Tukayev Camii. UfaBashkirMosque.jpg. ... Eski Cami, Ufa, genellikle olarak bilinir Tukayev Camii, yer almaktadır Ufa, Rusya.
  • Eski masjid, Ufa - Old Mosque, Ufa. To'qayev masjidi. UfaBashkirMosque.jpg. ... The Eski masjid, Ufa, odatda To'qayev masjidi, joylashgan Ufa, Rossiya.
  • Eski Cami, Ufa. Ufa kentindeki ilk kalıcı cami 1830'da Frolovskaya Caddesi'ne (daha sonra adı Tukayev Caddesi olarak değiştirildi) inşa edildi.
  • As a tribute to the ancient Khakimov Mosque, in 1990s a second two-minaret mosque Lyalya Tulpan was erected in Chernikovka district of Ufa.
  • Located about 1,340 km (833 miles) southeast of Moscow, at the confluence of the Ufa and Belaya rivers, Ufa is the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
  • The Lyalya-Tulpan Mosque is one of the most beautiful swords in Ufa. Experienced mullahs work here. The building is very beautiful and has been restored.
  • Khan’s Mosque Khan’s Mosque in Kasimov is the oldest mosque in Central Russia. It dates from the Qasim Khanate of the 15th and 16th centuries.
  • The First Cathedral Mosque in Ufa, also known as the Tukaev Mosque or the Old Mosque. 1830, was rebuilt in 1890 by the architect I. Myalov.