• Balder, in Norse mythology, the son of the chief god Odin and his wife Frigg.
  • Balder appeared in the Age of Mythology game as one of the nine minor gods to be worshiped by the Norse players.
  • Baldur’s myth was the inspiration for Matthew Arnold’s long narrative poem Balder Dead.
  • Balder (Baldur/Baldr) was the son of Odin and Frigg, and was looked upon with favour by all the other gods because of his gentle goodwill and fair nature.
  • According to one legend Loki gave a dart of mistletoe to the blind god Hoder and aimed it for him at Balder, who was killed by it.
  • In Norse mythology, Balder (Old Norse: Baldr; Modern Icelandic and Faroese: Baldur; Modern Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and anglicized Old Norse: Balder)...
  • Cesur Balder Marvel Comics tarafından yayınlanan Amerikan çizgi romanlarında görünen kurgusal karakter . Karakter, İskandinav mitolojisinden . Yayın geçmişi.
  • Ama Frigg ökse otunu unutmuştu ve Loki bu durumu fark etti ve Balder'in kör kardeşi Hod'a ökse otundan yapılmış bir ok vererek Balder'a nişan almasını sağladı.
  • Little is known about Nanna from Norse mythology, except that she was the wife of Balder, and she is included in several lists of Norse goddesses.
  • Balder daha sonra kendisinin savaşçı kısmını kabul eder ve Karnilla'nın halkını haydut bir devin büyüsünden kurtarmaya devam eder.[17]...