• Clear ponds produce several times the amount of fish than turbid ponds. , after pond cleaning, clear ponds are much more fun to swim in!
  • Zeolite and phosphate are some chemicals that are added to ponds to clear, and they react with bacteria in ponds to keep them clean.
  • How to clean a pond with muck and sludge. You can simply use a natural beneficial bacteria product like PlanktoniX that acclerates the demposition of muck...
  • Ok so I have cleaned quite a few ponds with the setup you are talking about, its honestly pretty easy to do once you get the hang of it.
  • Jeremy Biggs: Streams and rivers are difficult and expensive to clean - but ponds can make a major contribution to freshwater quality in lowland landscapes.
  • Discover essential pond maintenance tips for beginners! Learn how to keep your pond clean, balanced, and healthy with these simple tips.
  • Keeping your pond clean and clear is very beneficial. Click here for a complete step by step guide on how to keep your natural pond clean.
  • 30 Years of Experience. Founded in 1995, since its conception, Healthy Ponds has strived to find natural solutions to enhance and clean pond water.