• If you didn't choose the plugin during project creation phase, you can follow the instructions below to add it. Install mobx and mobx-react packages.
  • Installing React JS: STEP 1: Let us install React app using below command: npx create-react-app –template mobx-react-todo.
  • import {observer} from 'mobx-react-lite' import {createContext, useContext} from "react". const TimerContext = createContext<Timer>().
  • It is possible to read the stores provided by Provider using React.useContext, by using the MobXProviderContext context that can be imported from mobx-react.
    • Weekly downloads:
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      9.1.1 · 28 March 2024
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      650 kB
  • It is possible to read the stores provided by Provider using React.useContext, by using the MobXProviderContext context that can be imported from mobx-react.
  • MobX is a state management library. It can be used with any framework but offers helper methods to use with React using react-mobx package.
  • Use MobX instead of Redux for state management in React JS. Get to know actions, reactions and derivations in MobX and best practices...
  • import { observer } from "mobx-react". import Counter from './counterStore'. const counter = new Counter(). ... Deployment. Publish. https://react_mobx.playcode.io.
  • Another key concept in MobX react is the use of observables, which allow components to automatically update when the underlying data changes.
  • Find Mobx React Examples and Templates. Use this online mobx-react playground to view and fork mobx-react example apps and templates on CodeSandbox.