• The Year 2024 got off to a cracking start, when GMS UK President Anthony Raumann met Marina Mahler Fistoulari, granddaughter of Gustav Mahler, in London.
  • ‘I am,’ wrote Gustav Mahler, ‘three times homeless: a native of Bohemia in Austria; an Austrian among Germans; a Jew throughout the world.’
  • In 1897, Gustav Mahler, then thirty-seven, was offered the directorship of the Vienna Opera, the most prestigious musical position in the Austrian Empire.
  • 22-year-old Catholic-born[1] Alma Margaretha Maria Schindler (1879–1964) married 41-year-old Gustav Mahler on 9 March 1902.
  • Çeşitli yerlerde dolaştıktan sonra, önce Budapeşte operası (1888), daha sonra Viyana Hopofer Gustav Mahler operasının yönetmeni oldu.
  • The great composer and conductor, Gustav Mahler (1860-1911), lived in or visited Vienna at various times during his life.
  • Gustav Mahler (7 Temmuz 1860, Bohemya - 18 Mayıs 1911, Viyana), Yahudi kökenli Avusturyalı besteci ve orkestra şefi.
  • Austrian composer and conductor Gustav Mahler became popular in the late 19th century for his emotionally charged and subtly orchestrated symphonies.
  • Plaque on Mahler's Vienna apartment, 2 Auenbruggergasse: "Gustav Mahler lived and composed in this house from 1898 to 1909".
  • Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) Avusturyalı besteci ve orkestra şefi. Dev kadrolu senfonileri ve orkestra eşlikli şarkılarıyla, müzik tarihinde, senfoni ve şarkı formları...