• 在此您可以下載 DAAD 所提供留學德國的最新出版品,以及關於德國和臺灣高等教育概覽的資訊。
  • For further information, including application procedures and eligibility requirements, please visit the DAAD website.
  • DAAD北京代表处于2024年5月14日至5月16日,前往云南省,进行以在德国读博和奖学金为主题的专题讲座。
  • © Copyright DAAD Greece. Fact Finding Mission for representatives of German Universities of Applied Sciences (HAW) to Greece from 18 - 22.03.2024.
  • Use the Manual for personal funding on the DAAD website for instructions on completing your application in the DAAD Portal.
  • DAAD is also known as The German Academic Exchange Service. It is a publicly-funded independent organization of higher education institutions in Germany.
  • The DAAD is represented in Poland by the Regional Office in Warsaw and a network of the “DAAD Lektors” working at Polish universities.
  • Hierbei werden durch den DAAD und Dritte Nutzungsdaten in Drittländer übermittelt, in denen kein mit dem EU-Recht vergleichbares Datenschutzniveau besteht.
  • Estos becarios de diferentes ciudades de Colombia nos visitaron en la Oficina Regional del DAAD en Bogotá el 4 de junio.
  • DAAD scoate și în acest an la concurs burse în Germania pentru studenți, absolvenți, doctoranzi, tineri cercetători și cadre didactice din România.