• Free. Windows, Mac OS, Linux. Aseprite is a program to create animated sprites. Sprites are composed of layers & frames as separated concepts.
  • Sprites are the graphics used by playable or interactive characters in your scenes.
  • Used in context as a verb, it is used to mean both customizing/altering an existing sprite to meet story needs in a webcomic and creating a new sprite image.
  • Sprite Generator lets you rapidly create thousands of interesting procedurally generated sprites for prototyping in video game.
  • A sprite is an object or character in Scratch that can be programmed to perform actions based on scripts in a project using blocks.
  • SPRITE filename extension is associated with raster images and animations used by various video games and programs.
  • In 2012, Sprite was reformulated in France, removing 30% of the sugar and replacing it with the sweetener Stevia, lowering the total calorie count.
  • pixel, sprite bu görüntülerin, ufak olanları ve peri gibiler. bunların büyüklükleri artınca perilikten çıkıp, segment...
  • Todo: This page is for sprites in general, as they apply to all Valve games. Move Source engine-specific shader stuff to Sprite (shader) and $spriteorientation.
  • Free online tool for cutting image sprites to individual images.