• Tehran kicked off the mass production of a main battle tank called Karrar at a ceremony attended by Iran’s defense minister.
  • A few months later, Iran’s Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics released photographs depicting the upgraded Karrar tank.
  • According to the Iranian Mehr News Agency, the new Karrar tank is “100 percent Iranian made” and is “superior to the Russian-made T-90MS in certain aspects.”
  • Associated Press reports that it has been dubbed the Karrar (“Striker”), which is strange, in and if itself, since Wikipedia claims that the Karrar is a UCAV, not a tank.
  • Design: The Karrar tank features a welded and modern turret with a 125mm gun and a remote-controlled 12.7mm machine gun, as well as a coaxial 7.62mm...
  • On Sunday, the Iranian Defense Minister announced that mass production of the Karrar tank has kicked off, according to Iranian media.
  • Iran media imagery dated 12MAR2017 of public unveiling of production series T-72 Karrar ("Striker") main battle tank, an upgrade package evidently heavily inspired...
  • According to Brigadier General Kiomars Heidari, commander of the Ground Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Karrar tank has 10 options more than...
  • Karrar'ın ana silahı, bir duman çıkarıcı ve bir termal manşonla donatılmış 125 mm'lik yivsiz bir tabancadan oluşuyor.[4] Taretin çatısına, 12,7 mm makineli tüfekle...
  • Tasnim Xəbər Agentliyinin 18 iyul tarixində yayımlanmış bir xəbərinə görə İnqilab keşikçiləri korpusuna 800 Karrar əsas döyüş tankının verilməsi...