• 24. Bill Gates'in yardımlarıyla yoksul ülkelerde dağıtılan aşıların ve verilen sağlık hizmetlerinin yaklaşık 6 milyon insanın hayatını kurtardığı tahmin...
  • I'm lucky that my work allows me to talk with a wide range of brilliant and insightful people working on some of the world's toughest problems.
  • Bill Gates çocukluğunda sürekli ansiklopedi ve kitap okuyan bir çocuktu hatta bu durum ailesini endişelendirmeye başlamıştı.
  • The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has had an incredible impact on global health.
  • Amol Rajan and Bill Gates talk in front of a concrete building signed Maternity Block.
  • In 1986, Bill Gates introduced Microsoft Windows it would be come one of the most used operating systems in history, and one of the most advanced.
  • Remembering the destructive activities of computer users from Lakeside, CCC invited Bill Gates and his friends to identify flaws and security holes.
  • Very impressive full length documentary by the world's nr 1 'Bill Gates expert', the investigative journalist James Corbet.
  • Lasker Award, on September 9, 2013, in Washington, United States, Bill Gates and his wife Melinda Gates were honored with one of the prestigious Lasker...
  • William "Bill" Henry Gates III (October 28, 1955 - ) is a Marxist-Leninist-depopulationist, Globalist American businessman, inventor...