• Some archaeologists who had conducted research on this temple were JG de Casparis, Theodoor van Erp, and Arisatya Yogaswara. Mendut Temple Tour.
  • Kayumwungan inscriptions found in Karangtengah mentioned that Mendut Temple was built by King Indra of Syailendra Dynasty.
  • Mendut temple is only a small temple compared to The Giant Borobudur, yet it has a very important function for every prosession held in Borobudur.
  • Built around early ninth century AD, Candi Mendut is the oldest of the three temples including Pawon and Borobudur.
  • The Mendut Buddhist Temple was built around the 9th century and is located about 3km east of another well known Buddhist temple, Borobudur.
  • Mendut is a temple which is located east of a straight line triad enshrinement (Borobudur, Pawon, Mendut). ... Mendut Temple in 1890 before renovation.
  • Structure of the Mendut Temple. Temple ReliefsThe temple stands on high enough basement, making it looks more attractive and strong.
  • Mendut temple located in the area. Candi Mendut aalah Mendut is a temple located east of the straight line triad temples (Borobudur, Pawon, Mendut).
  • In addition there are also three statues are reliefs are carved in some Mendut wall . Eg in the left of the entrance to the temple room is a relief Hariti .