• The Orthodox Catholic Church is commonly known as the Eastern Orthodox Church, partly to avoid confusion with the Roman Catholic Church.
  • The Orthodox Church is the one Church founded by Jesus Christ and his apostles, begun at the day of Pentecost with the descent of the Holy Spirit in A.D. 33.
  • Orthodox Christianity is a branch of Christianity that traces its roots back to the early Christian Church and the teachings of Jesus Christ as recorded in the...
  • And i believe in One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.Amen.Truly, there is only one Church in this world and there is only one true apostolic faith, the fa...
  • In an attempt to answer this question, we will look at the Russian Orthodox Church, Greek Orthodox Church, and Egyptian Orthodox Church.
  • The Greek Orthodox Church (GOC) is a branch of Eastern Orthodoxy, which formally broke with the Western (or Roman Catholic) Church in AD 1054.
  • The members of the Orthodox Church are meant to relate to one another as the three Persons of the Holy Trinity Each relate to the Other – in all humility and love.
  • The wisdom of the Fathers of the Church is central to the Orthodox way of life as today's inheritors of the "true faith and Church" passed on in its purest form.
  • Today Orthodox Church numbers approximately 300 million Christians who follow the faith and practices that were defined by the first seven ecumenical councils.
  • Headscarves in the Orthodox Church: Holy Tradition & Practice vs. Modern Feelings. Holding Fast to Our Orthodox Christian Identity.