• When in the 1990’s a research team found some children mummified bodies on the summit of Llullaillaco 6800m mountain in the Chilean Andes.
  • The 9 days program is more concentrated and direct to the Llullaillaco volcano and the 13 days program includes more days of acclimatization and visits to other...
  • Volcano Llullaillaco is home to the highest archeaological findings on the planet. Three Inca children mumies were found at a elevation of 6700m.
  • Two major geological stages can be highlighted in the history of the volcano: Llullaillaco I, the ancestral primary volcano, dates back to the Pleistocene.
  • Gün batımı sırasında Llullaillaco. Dağa giden bir yol ile Llullailaco. Ana kamptan Llullaillaco. Llullaillaco'dan lav akışı. Salta içinde Llullaillaco.
  • Llullaillaco, the second highest volcano in the world, is situated in a remote part of the region on the Chile-Argentina border (Figure 34.1).
  • Volkan Llullaillaco, Arjantin ve Şili sınırında bulunan 6739 m yüksekliğinde bir stratovolkandır. ... Volkanın Şili tarafında Llullaillaco Ulusal Parkı var.
  • Bu yüzden daha prekolombiyano zamanından beri burada yaşayan kültürleri etkilemiş, Llullaillaco "Kutsal dağ" ya da "Tanrıların evi" olarak kabul edilmiştir.
  • The mummy of Llullaillaco Maiden is remarkably preserved whereas the remains of the boy and the girl were struck by lightning and so are charred.
  • Llullaillaco; Llullaillaco; لوللیلاکو; لولايلاكو; Љуљаиљако; ז'וז'איז'קו; ภูเขาไฟยูไยยาโก; Ljuljailjako; Llullaillaco; ユーヤイヤコ; Llullaillaco...