• Misr Bank Europe. Business relationships Europe – Egypt – MENA MBE core industries. ... MISR Bank - Since 1992 in Europe.
  • rasm: Misr qayerda joylashgan? Misr: bu ikki qit'adagi er qani? Misrga qanday borish mumkin? Misr kurortlarida dam oling.
  • Misr is an Arabic name simply meaning “country”, and part of the tradition of this term in as a name for Egypt comes from the Islamic Quran.
  • Qadimgi Misrni "barcha tsivilizatsiyalar onasi" deb atashlari bejiz emas. Misr tibbiyot, harbiy texnika, adabiyot va qurilishning rivojlanishiga turtki berdi.
  • Misr - bu quyoshli mamlakat, u erda yil davomida iliq bo'ladi, shuning uchun siz bu erga sayyoh uchun qulay bo'lgan har qanday vaqtda kelishingiz mumkin.
  • In 1933 Egypt renamed itself as ‘The Republic of Misr’ and began rapid building of new cities all over the country.
  • MISR Nedir Anlami. Osmanlica sözlüge göre MISR nedir anlami. MISR: (C.: Emsâr) İki şey arasındaki perde, hâil. * Memleket. Şehir.
  • Misr Petroleum is a major lubricant manufacturing and marketing company in Egypt. We manufactur and marketing a wide range of lubricants such as automotive...
  • Shuning uchun biz sizning e'tiboringizni Misr haqidagi eng qiziqarli ma'lumotlar va ma'lumotlarni keltiramiz.