• Kintyre is long and narrow, at no point more than 11 miles (18 km) from west coast to east coast, and is less than two miles wide where it connects to Knapdale.
  • Kintyre, полуостров, на зап. побережье Шотландии, к З. от о.Арран; протянулся в юж. направлении на 64 км от г.Уэст-Лох-Тарберт до мыса Кинтайр и...
  • Located in a conservation area in the Hertfordshire village of Flamstead, near St Albans, Kintyre is a Passivhaus-certified...
  • Полуостров Кинтайр — длинная и узкая часть суши, вытянутая в меридиональном направлении.
  • В регионе Kintyre есть 92 отеля, которые вы можете забронировать на Booking.com.
  • The Mull of Kintyre, at the southwestern tip, is 13 mi (21 km) from Ireland.
  • The Mull of Kintyre lighthouse was one of the first to be erected by the Northern Lighthouse Board.
  • With history, wilderness and even a secret beach, the tranquil and scenic Mull of Kintyre ticks all the Scottish road trip boxes.
  • It also hosts the annual Kintyre Way Ultra (first Saturday in May).