• Depictions of Socrates in art, literature and popular culture have made him one of the most widely known figures in the Western philosophical tradition.
  • Socrates was prosecuted, imprisoned, and sentenced to death for charges of impiety and corrupting youth, a legal but unjust prosecution.
  • Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher, one of the three greatest figures of the ancient period of Western philosophy (the others were Plato and Aristotle...
  • Socrates, former captain of Brazil's soccer geniuses, arrived yesterday at Garforth Town Football Club to play against Tadcaster Albion.
  • Сократес Бразильский, один из самых талантливых футболистов в истории Бразилии, стал настоящей легендой мирового футбола.
  • Сократеса подключили к аппарату искусственной вентиляции лёгких и диализной машине, но ничего не помогло.
  • The Socrates Award is an annual football award to acknowledge humanitarian work by a champion footballer.
  • It's named "Socrates" since it promotes the critical thinking approach to all information and encourages humanity to view the world critically.
  • Сократес – золотая пятка. Великий трансфер – часть 2 - эпох... Для тех кто любит футбол. ... Испания - Бразилия 0-1 (Сократес) (ЧМ 1986).
  • За сборную Бразилии Сократес сыграл 60 матчей и забил 22 гола.