• The following example shows the correct placement of a warning pragma to disable a code-generation warning message, and then to restore it.
  • ..."warning(disable:161)") #elif HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION_CHECK(17,10,0) # define HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_PRAGMAS _Pragma.
  • This pragma allows you to control warning messages issued by the compiler. You can enable or disable specific warnings or set their severity level.
  • The #pragma warning disable 0168 directive disables the warning with code 0168, which is generated by the compiler when a variable is declared but not used.
  • In gcc and clang, it is called _Pragma, and can be used this way: #define DISABLE_WARNING_PUSH _Pragma("GCC diagnostic push").
  • You can disable compiler warnings using #pragma warning disable and restore them using #pragma warning restore
  • Warning 359 is disabled, then after the source code which triggers the warning, the state of the messaging system is retrieved by using the warning pop pragma.
  • In this article, we will explore methods to disable a particular unknown #pragma warning in both GCC and Clang compilers.
  • I believe that code where you have 100% of control over should never require #pragma warning disable XXXX.
  • #pragma warning disable CS1030. To reenable the warning, #pragma supports the restore option following the warning, as shown in Listing 4.61.