• ONDE A NOITE ACONTECE EM CLUJ-NAPOCA... Worth mentioning, the old City Hall is still in service in Unirii Square with this one being the main office.
  • Cluj-Napoca City Hall, located at 3 Moților Street, is the seat of government for...
  • ...Kluż-Napoka; Cluj-Napoca; Cluj-Napoca; Cluj-Napoca; Kaloşvar; Clūsenburg; Клуж-Напока; Cluj-Napoca; Kluž; Cluj-Napoca; 클루지나포카 ... Old City Hall.
  • Cluj-Napoca is a city of young people with 25% of its population studying in universities. Student life means also sports and the tradition is consistent.
  • A representative delegation from Chisinau City Hall visited the municipality of Cluj-Napoca.
  • City Business Center, dubbed the "biscuit building", is an office building in central Cluj-Napoca. Modern residential building in Plopilor Vest.
  • The modernization of these three schools is part of a larger effort by the Cluj-Napoca City Hall to improve the educational infrastructure in the city.
  • Located in the southeast corner of the Cluj-Napoca citadel,the Bastion gets its name for the artisans who once guarded and maintained the old city wall.