• The ability to quickly search for and find the files that we are looking for based on certain criteria is very vital in this digital age of mass data. ... find . -perm 777.
  • # find / -type f ! -perm 777. 9. Find SGID Files with 644 Permissions. Find all the SGID bit files whose permissions set to 644. 1. # find / -perm 2644.
  • I did find -maxdepth 2 ! -perm -g+r -type d and found directories to a depth of 2 that did not have group read permission.
  • Find files based on their numeric (octal) permissions. Now let me run the following command: $ find -perm 777.
  • $ find -perm g=r $. This command may look as if it should return all files with owner group read permissions, but it actually searches for the octal mode 040.
  • You can play around with this option further: find / -perm -644. With an addition of a dash symbol, it will return with all the files that have at least 644 permission.
  • Multiple permissions can be specified using comma like perm g=w,o=x,o=r. find . -perm -444 finds files which are writable by all in current dir.
  • You can audit permissions on your Linux system by using the find command with the -perm option. Plus four bonus permissions auditing methods.
  • Find by permission. You can use the -perm option to search for files based on their permissions. find public_html/wp-admin/css -perm /444.
  • I'm having some difficulty trying to figure out the difference when using the 'find -perm' command modes.