• It’s very simple to use any homeopathic remedy. Because homeopathy works on the “Like Cure Like” principle. So, whenever you or anyone become unhealthy.
  • the National Center for Homeopathy's.
  • While the practice of homeopathy has evolved since its founding over 130 years ago, its methodology has essentially remained more or less the same.
  • Homeopathy is divided into many colleges. Homeopathy does not apply to systems that use homoeopathic drugs based on symbolism and metaphor.
  • What is Homeopathy tells about the history and principles of homeopathy, how the remedies are made and where they come from.
  • What Conditions Does Homeopathy Treat? It’s used for a wide variety of health issues, including some chronic illnesses
  • And although you’ll read all over the place that homeopathy has been proven not to work… First of all, you can’t prove anything doesn’t work.
  • Homeopathy does not suppress or treat outwardly, it heals the patient from within. Homeopathy is based upon science while its application is an art.
  • In 2017 NHS England said it would no longer fund homeopathy on the NHS as the lack of any evidence for its effectiveness did not justify the cost.
  • NHMRC’s Statement on Homeopathy indicates that homeopathy should not be used to treat health conditions that are chronic, serious or could become serious.