• Little by little, in a process that lasted until the 15th century, the warrior strength and supremacy of the Incas led the Empire to reach its greatest extent.
  • The Incas successfully challenged and defeated the Ayarmaca people, in a region now known as the Sacred Valley of the Incas, found just north of Cusco.
  • The Inca civilisation originated from a tribe in the Cuzco area of Peru that was founded around the year of thirteenth century.
  • Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui (Pachakuti 'Inka Yupanki), 10th Inca emperor, oil on canvas, probably mid-18th century, based on a 1615 Spanish engraving...
  • Even after the conquest, Inca leaders continued to resist the Spaniards up until 1572, when its last city, Vilcabamba, was captured.
  • With their capital city of Cusco at the heart of their empire, the Incas excelled in various fields, such as engineering, agriculture, and art.
  • It was these two disparate areas of Peru--mountain and desert--that the Incas knit together in an economic and social synthesis. East of the cordilleras is the Montaña.
  • No one really knows where the Incas came from that historic record left in stone for archaeologists to unravel through the centuries that followed.
  • Incas were the leaders of the largest American empire. ... Incas called their territory Tawantinsuyu, what in Quechua, the Inca language, means The Four Parts.
  • Although Inca civilization shares general features that are common in the other great ancient American civilizations, there are peculiarities that set it apart.