• fiddle while rome burns — If people are fiddling while Rome burns, they are wasting their time on futile things while problems threaten to destroy them …
  • fiddle while Rome burns definition: 1. to enjoy yourself or continue working as normal and not give any attention to something….
  • The idiom "fiddling while Rome burns" is often used to criticize someone who is neglecting important tasks or issues while focusing on trivial matters.
  • Free Software Digital. Fiddling While Rome Burns? By RICHARD POYNDER. Librarians market themselves as staunch advocates of intellectual freedom.
  • For example, The account was falling through, but he was more worried about missing his golf game-talk about fiddling while Rome burns!
  • fiddle while Rome burns. be concerned with relatively trivial matters while ignoring the serious or disastrous events going on around you.
    • We can't just fiddle while Rome burns; we need to address the pressing issues.
    • He's just playing video games and fiddling while Rome burns.
    • The leaders were accused of fiddling while Rome burned during the economic collapse.
  • If people are fiddling while Rome burns, they are wasting their time on futile things while problems threaten to destroy them.
  • Price hike has made lives of poor worse, people rightly claims that the government is fiddling while Rome burns.
  • According to a well-known expression, Rome’s emperor at the time, the decadent and unpopular Nero , “fiddled while Rome burned.”