• Bolungarvik, a town on the outer shores of the large bay Isafjardardjup, is one of the country’s oldest fishing ports (dating back to the tim.
  • Bolungarvík) — рыбацкая деревня на крайнем северо-западе Исландии (полуостров Вестфирдир).
  • All you need to know about the village of Bolungarvik in Iceland.
  • Bolungarvík is sending out bold invitations: in 2022, the town completed a cliff-edge viewing platform on top of Mt.
  • Bolungarvík is a small town located on the western coast of Iceland, about 14 kilometers from the nearest city of Ísafjörður.
  • Болунгарвик - самая северная деревня в Западных фьордах в Исландии, расположенная в одноименной бухте.
  • The mountains in Bolungarvík are tall and scree-sloped, and the avalanche barriers in Bolungarvík protect the inhabitants of the village from avalanches in Mt.
  • Вот это - настоящий край света, община Болунгарвик, самый крайний городок на дальнем северо-западе Вестфирдира, население около 900 человек.
  • Discover the best top things to do in Bolungarvik, Iceland including Hornstrandir Nature Reserve, Verslun Bjarna Eirikssonar, O-Design Iceland, Osvor Maritime...