• Memorial to Victims of Stalinist Repression. Monument in chișinău, moldova.
  • This time last year, in a video blog on the day that commemorates the victims of Soviet repression, President Medvedev impressed on the Russian people the...
  • Stalinist Baskı Kurbanları Anıtı - Memorial to Victims of Stalinist Repression.
  • Memorial to the victims of Stalinist repression in Peršėkininkai. Lower logo.
  • Memorial to the victims of Stalinist repressions Located at the former GULAG Spassk prison camp for foreign prisoners of WWII.
  • in Rutchenkove settlement, part of Donetsk, Ukraine A memorial to victims of Stalinist repression in Tomsk, Russia The monumental slab at the entrance.
  • The Memorial to Victims of Stalinist Repression (Romanian: Monument în memoria victimelor represiunilor staliniste) is a monument in Chişinău, Moldova.