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  • Tintagel Castle in Cornwall occupies an area which is half on the mainland and half on a rough headland known as the ‘island’.
  • Замок Тинтагель – средневековая крепость, находящаяся неподалеку от одноименной деревни в Корнуолле.
  • Tintagel is also within easy reach of many other beauty spots of this part of North Cornwall.
  • Тинтагель — история и описание, месторасположение и дата постройки, подробная информация о замке в интернет-энциклопедии РУВИКИ.
  • Once Tintagel gets placed as a magical island fortress it becomes the base for other stories.
  • The small Cornish village of Tintagel is one of the most popular destinations for tourists in south-west England.
  • An atmospheric castle on a spectacular Cornish headland, Tintagel is...
  • Archaeological research has been in the works here since the 1930's, yielding further clues about Tintagel's origins.
  • Замок Тинтагель в Корнуолле, Великобритания, может рухнуть в море и быть потерян навсегда.