• The first successful ascent of the Matterhorn was made by the British in 1865, that is, almost 150 years ago.
  • Matterhorn is famous for its four picturesque ridges (Hörnli, Furggengrat, Liongrat, and Zmuttgrat), which split the mountain into four steep faces that rise above...
  • The Matterhorn, with 4 478 m (14,692 ft) the 12-highest peak of the Alps, is the most famous and most-photographed mountain of Switzerland and border with Italy.
  • The Matterhorn is mainly composed of gneisses (originally fragments of the African Plate before the Alpine orogeny) from the Dent Blanche nappe...
  • The word Matterhorn means ‘the peak in the meadows’ and is a distinguished section of the Swiss Alps that adds spellbinding vistas to your holidays.
  • Ryder-Walker offers the Matterhorn Trek from Cervinia, Italy to Zermatt, Switzerland in an eight-day trip.
  • The Matterhorn has not lost any of its appeal and is still considered one of the great alpine climbs.
  • The fauna of the Matterhorn is equally impressive and diverse, with a wide range of species making their home in the mountain’s various ecosystems.
  • Genellikle kuzeybatı rüzgarında, Matterhorn'un İsviçre tarafı gölgedeyken ve İtalyan tarafına göre daha soğuk ve güneş tarafından ısıtıldığında oluşurlar.
  • Matterhorn, on sekizinci yüzyılın sonlarında Horace-Bénédict de Saussure tarafından incelendi ve onu 19...