• Dönemin ABD Başkanı Bill Clinton ise, Pentagon'a Pol Pot'un derhal yakalanarak milletlerarası bir mahkemede yargılanması emri verdi.
  • Pol Pot (born Saloth Sar) (May 19, 1928 – 1998) was a Cambodian dictator and mass murderer responsible for killing 1 to 3 million Cambodians in the late 1970s...
  • The Khmer communists in Cambodia, led in secret by Pol Pot, slowly and steadily gained strength, quietly forming alliances with China.
  • Today Pol Pot is remembered for leading one of the 20th century’s most destructive regimes and overseeing one of history’s deadliest genocides.
  • But in terms of self-destructive insanity, it could be argued that none of these events quite matched Pol Pot's Cambodia.
  • In this respects it should be noted that neither Pol Pot, nor Angkar set out to kill people en masse, and technically at least had a theory.
  • Pol Pot was born in 1925 (as Saloth Sar) into a farming family in central Cambodia, which was then part of French Indochina.
  • Pol Pot (Saloth Sâr doğumlu; 19 Mayıs 1925 - 15 Nisan 1998) Kamboçya'yı Başbakan olarak yöneten bir Kamboçyalı devrimci ve politikacıydı <1975 ile 1979...
  • Pol Pot Kamboçya'yı ele geçirdikten sonra, milyonlarca kentli sakin evlerinden tahliye edildi.
  • Pol Pot (born Saloth Sar (Khmer language: Pol Pot: ប៉ុល ពត; Saloth Sar: សាឡុត ស); 19 May 1925 – 15 April 1998)...