• This Cape Fold Belt contains many cracks and faults and weaknesses so different layers have been exposed.
  • The relationship between folding and faulting in the Cape Fold Belt has been raised as an enigma.
  • The Cape Fold Belt (CFB) along the southern coast of South Africa contains several tectonic windows that expose low-grade “basement” rocks as inliers that...
  • The Cape Fold belt is not part of the Great Escarpment shown in blue: the Roggeveld, Nuweveld and Sneeuberg "mountains".
  • This research presents eleven new plateau ages from the Cape Fold Belt in South Africa to constrain the timing of orogenesis.
  • ...also: Cape Fold Belt ) is a type of landscape in South Africa, resulting from the aggregation of a plurality of mountains and the provinces of Western Cape...
  • Thus the Cape Fold Belt “erupted” from the eroding African landscape to form the parallel ranges of mountains that run for 800 km along the southern and...
  • The sediments which accumulated in this shallow sea consolidated to form the Cape Supergroup of rocks, which form the Cape Fold Belt today.