• Different forms and wearing styles[edit]. A shorter version of the chiton was called the chitoniskos.
  • Chitons are essential to the environment they are filter feeders they clean the ocean water. These creatures are beautiful to observe in the tidepools.
  • Essentially a sleeveless shirt, the chiton was a rectangular piece of linen (Ionic chiton) or wool (Doric chiton) draped by the wearer in various ways and kept in place.
  • Normal adult chitons are about 5cm long, but Cryptochiton stelleri, which is one of chitons and lives near north Pacific Ocean, are about 33cm long.
  • By the middle of the fifth century b.c.e., young men rejected the chiton altogether, while older men retained the long chiton as a status symbol.
  • The chiton has eight plates, and underneath the plates is a muscular foot that moves the chiton over rocks and other structures, both in and out of the water.
  • Women wore a floor length dress called a Greek chiton. In early times the Doric chiton was made from fabric which was the height of the wearer, plus 12 inches.
  • She wears a chiton and himation, using both hands to hold the edge of the latter, in which she has gathered apples.
  • It has a chemoreceptive organ that is able to detect and guide the snail to get back to its home site. It is unclear that the chiton homing functions in the same way.
  • Chiton is a type of sewn clothing worn by ancient Greeks from 750-30 BC. It was generally made from single rectangle of woolen or linen fabric.