• Conclusions. The work achieved in the long third phase of Stonehenge’s construction, however, is the one which is most remarkable and enduring.
  • The Sarsen Circle with its lintels is perhaps the most remarkable feature of Stonehenge in terms of design, precision stonework, and engineering.
  • The prehistoric monument Stonehenge was built up to 5,000 years ago on Salisbury Plain in England, but its ultimate purpose remains a tantalizing mystery.
  • The first group, the Windmill Hill people, named after one of their earthworks on Windmill Hill, near Stonehenge, built the large circular furrows and mounds.
  • The mystery of Stonehenge has the world’s most learned historians, archaeologists and geologists scratching their heads.
  • Stonehenge Londra’ya 130 km yani yaklaşık 2 saat mesafede Salisbury ovasında biraz ters bir konumda yer alan ama insanlık tarihi için oldukça önemli bir anıt.
  • The most visited and well known of the British stone rings, Stonehenge is a composite structure built during three distinct periods.
  • Stonehenge could therefore have been designed as a sort of monumental calendar, and a precinct where celebrations of the two solstices could take place.
  • The Stonehenge monument is now recognised as being a single part of a larger, inter-connected prehistoric 'ceremonial' landscape.
  • Tarihi anıtları koruma yasasının İngiltere'de ilk kez başarıyla yürürlüğe girdiği 1882'den beri yasal olarak korunan bir Antik Anıt olmuştur. Stonehenge yi kim inşa etti?