• Priobskoye is an oil field in Russia. ... Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.(March 2009). Priobskoye is an oil field in Russia.
  • The accumulated production of the Priobskoye field of RN-Yuganskneftegaz has reached 500 million tons of oil.
  • Based on complex analysis of the seismic, well logs, well tests and core data in the northern Priobskoye field, the correlation between clinoform geometry...
  • Priobskoye field discovered in 1982 ranks among giant fields in terms of geological and recoverable oil reserves.
  • Gazpromneft-Khantos, a subsidiary of Gazprom Neft, has confirmed the production of the 100-millionth tonne of oil at its Yuzhno-Priobskoye field.
  • ...visited the Production Control Centre of Gazpromneft-Khantos, which is the operator of the Yuzhno-Priobskoye field, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug...
  • SteelGuru Business News. Oil & Gas News. Rosneft Signs Investment Incentives for Priobskoye Field.
  • Gazprom Neft acquired development rights to deep strata at the southern section of the Priobskoye field, increasing reserves by 10 million tonnes of oil.
  • @inproceedings{Falkenstein1997PriobskoyeFA, title={Priobskoye Field And the Preliminary Evaluation of Recent 3D Seismic to Delineate High...