• The ability to quickly search for and find the files that we are looking for based on certain criteria is very vital in this digital age of mass data. ... find . -perm 777.
  • Use the -perm option to find it. find Documents/ -name file-sample* -type f -perm 775. Linux FIND by Size Example#.
  • $ find /usr /home -name some.conf -type f. -perm. ... $ find /etc -maxdepth 1 -perm /u=r /etc/opt /etc/aliases /etc/localtime /etc/apparmor.d /etc/cron.hourly.
  • I did find -maxdepth 2 ! -perm -g+r -type d and found directories to a depth of 2 that did not have group read permission.
  • We started by finding files that were group-readable, using the flag “-perm -g+r” to do that. Then, we negated the whole thing: “! -perm -g+r”.
  • The below command will search for files that have SUID permission 755. find / -perm 4755. 9. Look for SGID File With 644 Permission.
  • $ find / -perm /u=s. ... Find directories and set permissions to 755. $ find / -type d -perm 777 -print -exec chmod 755 {} \
  • root# find / -type f -perm -4000 -o -perm -2000 -print. 24. Sistem üzerinde SGID bit izni olan dosyaları ‘da listelemek isterseniz aşağıdaki komutu kullanabilirsiniz.
  • For example: find . -type f -perm 777 -exec chmod 755 {} \; This will search the current directory (and all subdirectories) for files that have 777 permissions.
  • / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null. search for files in a directory hierarchy. find [-H] [-L] [-P] [-D debugopts] [-Olevel] [path...] [expression].