• # find / -perm 644. ... # find / -type f ! -perm 0777. Note: This command will help you to identify the files with wrong permissions which can lead to a security breach.
  • find [OPTIONS] [starting point for the search] [expression]. OPTIONS: refers to behavior regarding symbolic links. Not going to address these options here.
  • Use the -perm option to find it. find Documents/ -name file-sample* -type f -perm 775. Linux FIND by Size Example#.
  • You can play around with this option further: find / -perm -644. With an addition of a dash symbol, it will return with all the files that have at least 644 permission.
  • I did find -maxdepth 2 ! -perm -g+r -type d and found directories to a depth of 2 that did not have group read permission.
  • Find files based on their numeric (octal) permissions. Now let me run the following command: $ find -perm 777.
  • Fortunately, the find command provides a handy “-perm” flag which enables users to list all the files that match the provided file permissions.
  • We started by finding files that were group-readable, using the flag “-perm -g+r” to do that. Then, we negated the whole thing: “! -perm -g+r”.
  • Here, the plus 1G means greater than 1G. How do you find a file by permission on a linux? You can use the find command with search parameters perm.
  • If you want to use the find command to check for matches based on the permissions of the file you need to use the -perm test.