• Despite the fact that the Parthenon is known for its perfection there are actually very few lines and angles that are indeed perfect.
  • ...önce, bu alana çeşitli kültürel yapılar inşa edildi, ancak bu güne kadar hiçbiri hayatta kalmadı ve yalnızca Partenon, kısmen de olsa, tepenin tepesinde duruyor.
  • The magnificent temple on the Acropolis of Athens, known as the Parthenon, was built between 447 and 432 BCE in the Age of Pericles...
  • Antik Çağ’dan sonra Parthenon bir kiliseye dönüştürülmüş ve Atina’nın Osmanlı işgali sırasında bir cephanelik olarak kullanılmıştır.
  • The Acropolis of the Parthenon in Athens, Greece is dedicated to the Goddess Athena and was built in 447 BCE by Pericles, Ictinus and Callicrates.
  • The Parthenon is a marble temple built atop the Acropolis in Athens during the classical age of ancient Greece.
  • The five main instigators of the design and construction on the Parthenon were Pericles, Phidias, Kalamis, Ictinus and Calibrates.
  • Atina denildiğinde hemen herkesin gözünde canlanan, sütunlar üzerinde duran ve frizlerle süslenmiş bir alınlık görüntüsü Parthenon’dur.
  • A few decades after the taking of Athens by the Turks in 1460, the Parthenon was changed into a mosque and the stairway became a minaret.
  • The marble columns of the Parthenon are being restored and most likely you will see scaffolding holding up the portions of the Parthenon during your visit.