• 1. ORTA ÇAĞDA FELSEFE ve THOMAS AQUINAS’IN YERİ Ortaçağ Felsefesi, Tanrı ve Tanrı’nın varlığının kanıtlanmasına ağırlık veren bir dönemdir.
  • Scripsisti bene de me, Thoma. Quam mercedem accipies? Numquam, nisi Te, Domine. All that I have written seems like straw compared to what has now been revealed to me.
  • Saint Thomas Aquinas OP (Tommaso d'Aquino, "Thomas of Aquino") was an Italian Dominican friar, Catholic priest, and Doctor of the Church.
  • Thomas Aquinas (/ əˈkwaɪnəs / ; İtalyanca : Tommaso d'Aquino, lit.'Aquino Thomas'; 1225 - 7 Mart 1274) İtalyan Dominik rahibiydi , filozof...
  • St. Thomas Aquinas. Please help support the mission of New Advent and get the full contents of this website as an instant download.
  • Etienne Gilson, Thomas Aquinas’ın ‘’ zorunlu varlığı’’nın mutlak ve soyut karakterli bir varlık olduğunu ifade eder.
  • St. Thomas Aquinas was a 13th-century Italian priest, theologian, and philosopher whose writing shaped the basis for modern Catholic thought.
  • No one claimed Thomas Aquinas got famous on his looks. He was colossally fat, suffered from edema (dropsy), and one huge eye dwarfed his other.
  • Batılı Filozoflar Ortaçağ Felsefesi. İsim: Thomas Aquinas. Doğum: c. 28 Ocak 1225 (Roccasecca Kalesi, Aquino yakınlarında, İtalya).
  • The difficulty of dealing with St. Thomas Aquinas in this brief article is the difficulty of selecting that aspect of a many-sided mind which will best suggest its size...