• "insanlığın beşte biri her zaman her şeye karşıdır." - robert kennedy.
  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is on leave as the founder, chairman and chief litigation counsel for Children’s Health Defense.
  • Some months after the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November 1963, Robert F. Kennedy resigned as attorney general and was elected as a U.S Senator.
  • However, the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy is one event that truly changed the world. For one, it is quite likely that Kennedy would have become...
  • For many, in a society that seems always to crave new myths and new idols, Robert F. Kennedy is a rapidly fading memory a quarter-century after his death...
  • Robert F. Kennedy was born on November 20, 1925, in Brookline, Massachusetts, to a rich political family. He was an American lawyer, politician, and President...
  • Robert F. Kennedy's Speech On the Mindless Menace of Violence at the City Club of Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio, www.jfklibrary.org.
  • Robert Kennedy was the attorney general of the United States in the administration of his older brother, President John F. Kennedy, and later served as a U.S...
  • John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy in Поворотный момент: Атомная бомба и ... Robert F. Kennedy and Edward Ellington in Reel South (2016) ... Robert F. Kennedy and Mary Jo Kopechne in 1969 (2019)
  • For Robert Francis Kennedy, the answer to that question has always been obvious: family; honor; and duty to one's common man.