• The Inca referred to their empire as Tawantinsuyu which can be translated as The Four Regions or The Four United Provinces.
  • Before the arrival of any European power, up amongst the Andean clouds, a large imperial state developed in South America: the Inca Empire.
  • Key Takeaways
    • The Aztecs had a hierarchical social structure, while the Incas had a more egalitarian one.
    • The Aztecs practised human sacrifice, while the Incas did not.
  • Pachacuti and Topa Inca, though hardly household names, are a double generation of conquerors comparable to Philip of Macedon and his son Alexander.
  • Gain instant access to this beautifully designed Unit on Incas, where kids will learn all about Where the Incas Lived, The Incan Empire and Its Rulers...
  • Let’s take a closer look and explore the origins of the Incas, their society and culture, achievements and innovations, expansion and decline, and legacy.
  • Pachacuti's son, Túpac Inca, conquered even more land, most importantly the Kingdom of Chimor, the Inca's only serious rival for the coast of Peru.
  • The Incas successfully challenged and defeated the Ayarmaca people, in a region now known as the Sacred Valley of the Incas , found just north of Cusco.
  • The Inca built roads in the region that people still use today. Ancient Incas: Social organization. In Inca times, there was a big government.
  • Inca, South American Indians who ruled an empire that extended along the Pacific coast and Andean highlands from the northern border of modern Ecuador to the...