• When printing out a table that doesn't fit onto one (paper) page, most browsers repeat the contents of <thead> on every page.
  • The <thead> element is used in conjunction with the <tbody> and <tfoot> elements to specify each part of a table (header, body, footer).
  • We extend the markup the table from the basic example in this example by including two table rows (<tr>) within the <thead> element creating a multi-row table...
  • The thead element (<thead>) identifies header rows at the top of a table, usually containing column labels.
  • The thead HTML tag sets the header of an HTML table. ... thead is the parent of at least one th tag. thead must be after the caption and colgroup elements.
  • Column group <colgroup>. Table head <thead>. ... The tags <thead> and </thead> are used to group the table rows that define the header of the table.
  • THEAD definition: <thead> element is used inisde <table> element to define header of the table. Inisde you can put <th> elements to specifiy titles for each column.
  • The dropzone attribute specifies what should happen when the user "drops" an element (i.e. after dragging it) onto this <thead> element.
  • How to Use <thead>. The <thead> element is used to identify one or more table rows that contain column labels rather than data.
  • title>THEAD</title> </head> <body> <. table style="width: 600px;"> < thead style="background: #fc0"> <.