• You can reach Bryggen from the bus station with a 3-minute walk. By Train/Metro: Take a train to the "Bergen" station, which is about 1 km away from Bryggen.
  • Bryggen is without a doubt Bergen ’s top attraction, and considering how colourful it is, you literally cannot miss it.
  • The Theta Museum allows an insight to the history of the opposition in Norway during World War II and displays an interesting side to the history of Bryggen.
  • Bryggen Hakkında Norveççe’de ‘rıhtım’ anlamına gelen Bryggen, Norveç’in Bergen kentindeki Vågen limanını kaplayan bir dizi pitoresk Hansa mirası binadır.
  • Bryggen meaning ‘the dock’ in Norwegian is a series of picturesque Hanseatic heritage buildings lining the Vågen harbour in Bergen, Norway.
  • While Bryggen is linked with German traders, Bergen’s status as an important port was in place for at least 150 years prior to their arrival.
  • Bryggen Wharf is the iconic image of Bergen, and it is very picturesque and also historic, and if in Bergen you must visit.
  • In Norwegian, the word for wharf is ‘Bryggen’ and that is also the name given to the area that’s left in Bergen from the Hanseatic days.
  • I had spent enough time pouring through guidebooks to know that this was Bryggen, a medieval district, ancient and full of character.
  • Sonrasında Bryggen'in mülkiyetini devraldılar ve Kuzey Norveç'teki balyoz ticaretini Kron tarafından verilen ayrıcalıklarla kontrol ettiler.