• ...Head of the Presidential Administration Samir Nuriyev, and other state and government officials visited the Khojaly genocide memorial in connection with the...
  • ...Samir Nuriyev, other state and government officials have visited the Khojaly genocide memorial on the 32nd anniversary of the Khojaly tragedy.
  • ...President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva have visited the Khojaly Genocide Memorial in Baku's Khatai district.
  • ...and First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva commemorated the victims of the Khojaly genocide by laying a wreath at the Mother's Call memorial in Baku.
  • Justice For Khojaly. British reporter Thomas De Waal interview with Sarkisian . Serge Sarkisian, long-time Defense Minister and.
  • Khojaly Massacre Memorial in The Hague, Netherlands. Photo by Mursel, Wikipedia Commons. 1 Europe Opinion South and Central Asia.
  • On February 25, at night, words and digits reminding Khojali genocide were written on the facade of the buildings by turning on and off the lights on the windows.
  • The Texas House of Representatives passed a resolution 12R448 drafted by its member Marc Shelton on the 20th anniversary of Khojaly Genocide.
  • A survvor of the Khojaly Genocide of 1992 mourns her family members slaughtered by Armenian troops. Photo: Reza.
  • British Ambassador to Azerbaijan Fergus Auld visited the Khojaly Genocide Memorial. Axar.az reports that he wrote about it on his X account.