• The aim is to map out the extent of Alexander the Great's Empire and the cities he founded and battles that he fought.
  • GREAT EMPI RES OF TH E PAST Empire of Alexander the Great DEBRA SKELTON AND PAMELA DELL Great Empires of the Past
  • ...Alexander the Great defeated the armies of the Achaemenid Empire led by Darius III, in the second great battle of Alexander’s campaign against the Persians.
  • But even against this background, the unusually rapid collapse of the empire created by Alexander the Great is striking.
  • Alexander the Great's fall—and death. By adding the vast Persian realm to his Balkan kingdom, Alexander forged a Eurasian empire of unprecedented scope.
  • A map of Alexander the Great’s Empire, showing the reach of his empire, the route of Alexander’s army, and the key battles of his campaign.
  • ...27:28 AM EmpirE of alExandEr thE grEat Philip II, king of Macedon, was an aggressive leader who set a bold example for his son, Alexander.
  • A study guide on Alexander the Great with timeline, study questions, and major points to know about the great leader who extended the empire of the Greeks to...
  • The Empire of Alexander the Great Map: In 336 BCE, Philip II’s Macedonia had risen to control the whole of the Greek world.
  • Bone remains of five bodies were found dating from the end of the 4th century BC, approximately the time of Alexander the Great .