• The monument to Stalin at the VDNKh trade show park in Moscow was often depicted in Soviet films. After de-Stalinization, it was cut from some of them.
  • This event once again makes us think about the paradoxical status of Stalin in the history of Russia, reflected like a mirror in the monuments erected to him.
  • Dismantling of the monument to Stalin in Ulan-Bator on the night of December 22, 1990. In 1986, in Mongolia, as in the USSR, a course was taken to restructure.
  • So ignoring Hitler's opinion on the man (true or false), Stalin is accused of potentially killing three times as many of his own people than the Nazi's ever could.
  • They opened the monument in a solemn atmosphere - wreaths were laid at the memorial, and veterans read several poems dedicated to Stalin.
  • This marks a turnaround from 2010, when 25% of Russians expressed support for a Stalin monument compared with 36% who opposed it.
  • The mayor Igor Gozes believes that the monument to Stalin, if it is necessary for citizens can be built.
  • Built as the birthday present to Stalin on his 70th birthday (December 21st 1949), the Stalin Monument in Budapest has became the iconic scene of the...
  • Before the holding of the General Czechoslovak exhibition it was decided to establish the location of the monument to Stalin metronome.