• feof functions is used to find the end of a file. In a C program, we use feof() function as below. feof(fp)
  • The feof function returns a 1 if a previous operation set the end-of-file indicator for the specified file. Otherwise, feof returns a 0.
  • The feof() function checks if the "end-of-file" (EOF) has been reached for an open file. Tip: This function is useful for looping through data of unknown length.
  • In this article, we'll discuss the syntax and parameters of the feof() function, along with examples of how to use it.
  • Closes a file opened by fopen(). Requires the fileID returned by fopen as an argument. feof. Returns 1 if an end-of-file symbol is encountered.
  • The syntax for the feof function in the C Language is ... The feof function returns a nonzero value if the end-of-file indicator is set.
  • This tutorial shows you how to use feof. feof is defined in header cstdio as follows ... In short, the feof does checks for the end-of-file.
  • Use the feof() Function to Check End-Of-File Indicator on File Stream in C. Use the feof() and ferror() Functions to Test the Valid Position of the File Stream in C.
  • Every FILE stream has an internal flag that indicates whether the caller has tried to read past the end of the file already. feof returns that flag.
  • main() {. file f; string dummy; f=fopen("C:/TEMP/TEST.TXT","r+");//read and write while (feof(f)==0) // so long as it is not at the end {.