• From startup to enterprise, choose the Bazel open source project to build and test your multi-language, multi-platform projects of any size, quickly and reliably.
  • Free. Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android. ••• Build and test software of any size, quickly and reliably. Bazel only rebuilds what is necessary.
  • Bazel runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Scalable: Bazel helps you scale your organization, codebase, and continuous integration solution.
  • Bazel 7.2.1 is a patch LTS release. It is fully backward compatible with Bazel 7.0 and contains selected changes by the Bazel community and Google engineers.
  • To make Bazel easily accessible from command prompts or PowerShell by default, you can rename the Bazel binary to bazel.exe and add it to your default paths.
  • Installing Bazel. This section covers the prerequisites, environment setup, and detailed steps during installation on Windows. Check your system.
  • Integration with Docker and Kubernetes: Attributed to its versatility, Bazel complements modern platforms and systems like Docker and Kubernetes.
  • Blaze is also the predecessor to Bazel. Bazel, Pants, Buck, and Please adopted Starlark as a BUILD file parser, respective to its BUILD file syntax.
  • Only on Linux; Bazel does not perform a system call. --bazelrc <bazelrc path>. The location of the user .bazelrc file containing default values of Bazel options.
  • Take a look at the rules_nixpkgs guide to get started. You can gradually integrate Nix with your Bazel project, without the need to fully commit to it.